Tuesday, August 21, 2012


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If you are reading this I assume that you are interested in knowing something about me.   Baruch Spinoza best articulates my worldview.  See Baruch Spinoza to learn more about him and deism.  Although I have five years of college and two university degrees, I am an autodidact at heart.  Formal education disappointed and for the most part failed me.  I attended an excellent elementary school for six years where I learned how to read.  I spent three years in a junior high school learning a bit of algebra and much about girls thus disrupting my education for several years.  Three years of high school continued my dismal academic career with some geometry and biology thrown into the mix.  Girls, motorcycles, and fishing dominated my thinking, but I managed to graduate and find my future bride.  Next, four years of undergraduate school and one year of graduate school provided a trade-school skill (computer programming) and a very nice working career but little education, a condition I have been trying to correct for the past thirty years and will continue until I take my last breath.  My favorite pastime is reading, thinking, and writing especially about physics (Relativity, Cosmology, & Quantum Theory), biology (Evolution and Quantum biology), neurosciences (The theory of consciousness), and religion (The history of Christianity). 

I consider myself a Darwinian, Keynesian, and a liberal.  My three favorite historical characters are Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Albert Einstein who I consider the greatest thinkers of all times. Among the living I have great respect for Daniel Dennett, Robert Wright, Richard Dawkins, Jonathan Haidt, Bill Bryson, Stephen Hawking, Lawrence Krauss, Elaine Pagels, Karen Armstrong, Matt Ridley, and Salman Khan (of Khan Academy fame).  I miss Christopher Hitchens, Gore Vidal, and George Carlin very much.

My Blog Links:

The Soul: Science or Theology
Of Apples and Men
The Historical Jesus
Mere Christianity (1952) by C.S. Lewis
Jesus of Nazareth
Divine Justice
Adam, Eve, and Darwin
The New Testament: History or Legend
The God Hypothesis
The Bible: God's Word or the work of Man?
The Psychopath Test
Christian Nation
Pascal's Wager
Free Will
The Origins of Religious Belief
Edgar Cayce
Proof of Heaven
The Passover Plot
Pot, Inc.
The Gospel Truth
Epistemology, What is truth?
Baptists, The American Taliban
Joseph Smith, Prophet or Charlatan 

Why Religion?

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